Vera Brittain and Shirley Williams

Vera Brittain was born in Newcastle–under–Lyme in 1893. She grew up in Macclesfield from the age of 18 months, and when she was 11 years old the family moved to Buxton. She died in Wimbledon, London, in 1970.

Shirley Williams served in various Cabinet posts under prime ministers Wilson and Callaghan, but her main claim to fame is that she was one of the founders of the SDP. She is no longer Lib Dem Leader in the House of Lords however, having resigned this post in 2004. She retired from active politics in 2016, at the age of 85.

I'm not convinced that she was ever active in US politics, but she has served as a professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (part of Harvard University) since 1988 (in an Emeritus capacity since 2001). Wikipedia does suggest that "she remained active in politics and public service in the United States [as well as in Britain and internationally]", but it doesn't seem to say how. It adds that during her time at Harvard, she "helped draft constitutions in Russia, Ukraine, and South Africa."

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